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The facts

Coat of arms of Großenwiehe

The municipality covers an area of 3021 ha, of which 2670 ha are used for agriculture. The longitudinal extent in a north-south direction is approx. 9.5 km, while the greatest width in an east-west direction is approx. 4.85 km.

The lowest point is in the Osterbek lowlands at 14.8 metres above sea level, while the Wieheberg forms the highest point at 39.5 metres above sea level.


Population: 3289 (31 Dec. 2022)

Area code: 04604



Coat of arms


The divided shield of the coat of arms of Großenwiehe expresses the two districts of the municipality. The heraldic figure in the upper half of the shield represents a harrier, a species of bird of prey that has become rare. As the bird's name is "Wieh" in Low German, it was incorporated into the coat of arms as a popular interpretation of the town's name. Harriers are still typical birds of prey in the region today, despite their declining population. The oat stalk indicates that agriculture used to be the main source of income for the inhabitants and is still an important one today.